Creative Feminine Rising

Awaken Your Sacred Power

Courses to Unlock, Clarity, Purpose & Direction!

Explore the depths of your Feminine power, creativity and activate your inner light with Dr. Neesa’s online & in-person guided experiences.


Enlivened. Creative. Sovereign.

Ignite Your Temple Space

Harness the power of your home sacred space to enrich your  your power to manifest your Soul’s design and shine light on the world.

Spiritual traditions have long understood that setting up high vibrational environments hold a key to the inner peace and expanded consciousness for spiritual evolution.

Learn how ancient rituals, energized by Neesa’s Geometry Light Portals, can wire your home for health and wealth. This 7-part series are pre-recorded and available to explore whenever you’re feeling the need for a home space upgrade.

Restore Your Womb Heart

Come home to your feminine magic, and find clarity, self-compassion and communion with the innate power of your womanly body.

This pre-recorded evergreen course is a wonderful first step to awakening your Holy Womb, beginning a beautiful path to healing your relationship with the wounds of the feminine body, heart and Soul.

Art As Soul Medicine

Explore a guided process to uncover rich, wild and magical parts of yourself. Get you out of your mind and into your imagination where you will receive sacred insights in unexpected ways.

Peel back layers, bring forth visions, and feel empowered to find your voice in this guided art-making process. Create a bridge from formlessness to form, and feel the joy of bringing image from your visionary mind onto a canvas.

Classes both in person and online.

Enlivened. Creative. Sovereign.

For Private Mentorship and Healing